

Change is typically not embraced by people comfortable with, or benefitting from, the status quo.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (202?)

Deeper Learning, Generative AI, and the Road Ahead

CH-CH-CH-CHANGES (202?)– Deeper Learning, Generative AI and the Road Ahead

David Bowie offered a timeless warning to all educators. When speaking about our students, and the inevitability of change, he suggests they may ‘be immune to your consultations…they’re quite aware what they’re going through.’

Education gets a little more complicated with each passing year. With the aftershocks of a global pandemic reverberating, overnight artificial intelligence (or AI), most notably Chat GPT, has dominated the headlines and many of our educational conversations.

How are educators and schools supposed to adjust to the reality that computer platforms and robots can perform tasks typically reserved for intelligent beings – us! How might we need to adjust our purpose for learning? Could AI help teachers engineer environments rich with inquiry? How do we stay relevant? 

Perhaps we need to rewind a little through history to look for clues as to how to manage change and adapt to new technologies, all the while striving to deliver what students and communities need (and want). With a clear sense of who we are, and the service we provide, and the quest to model adaptability, perhaps we can look at technology and change with a little less trepidation and a lot more confidence.